These are the members of the Seminary Episcopal Commission who run the fund on behalf of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Bishop Joseph Obanyi Sagwe

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kakamega and Chairman

Bishop Peter Kihara Kariuki

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit and Vice Chairman

Bishop John Oballa Owaa

Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Ngong and Member

Bishop Joseph Maluki Mwongela

Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Kitui and Member

Fr. Vincent Nyangau Simba

Rector, St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary, Nairobi

Fr. Michael Ndiege Aidi

Rector, St. Mary’s Propaedeutic Seminary, Molo

Fr. Daniel Mugwe

Rector, Christ the King Major Seminary, Nyeri

Fr. John Kasyoka

Rector, St. Augustine’s Senior Seminary, Mabanga

Fr. Douglas Mwija

Rector, St. Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary, Tindinyo

Fr. Antony Mwituria

National Coordinator